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Environmental and social responsibility


SODEX SPORT is dedicated to playing its part in providing workplace solutions that respect our environment and its community's future

Recycling initiatives have been put into practice in our operations to reduce our ecological footprint.
Our team of engineers is trained to reduce any potential waste. Indeed, from the design process of our products, the sizing of the product, the choice of supplier, the reduction of the quantity of scrap (and its recycling) as well as the packaging volumes are studied. All these parameters are part of our final reflection, as are the technical aspects of our products.
In offices, paper is reused as much as possible before being recycled. Printing is reduced to the bare minimum.

Personnel transport to and from our factory is carried out by collective transport to provide free commute to employees but also to limit CO₂ emissions.

The construction of a new plant has enabled us to optimize the use of natural light. In addition, a wall ventilation system allows us to make the most of natural airflow.
This has allowed us to reduce our consumption by 30% in terms of ventilation and artificial lighting.
The factory layout complies with environmental standards. We now have 15 000m2 of floor space, part of which is dedicated to green spaces, 15% of the surface area remains unbuilt.

The polyurethane paints used by Sodex are not harmful to our employees and users.
They are also environmentally friendly. They do not contain any volatile organic compounds or heavy metals.

Sodex Sport Factory
Sodex Sport Factory
Sodex Sport Factory
Sodex Sport Factory

Sodex Sport is committed to providing comfortable and safe working conditions for all its employees, in compliance with current international rules.

Healthcare and retirement is included in all employee contracts to ensure a caring and prosperous life at work as well as outside of the workplace
Maternity leave allows employees to take up to 6 months after labour to care for their newborns and families.
Complementary meals are provided daily to all, in compliance with eating habits and religious beliefs of all with a selection of different meal arrangements.
Human ressources and our nurse are on hand to address any issues encountered by members of our teams when needed.
Financial difficulties can be aided with 0% interest loans by Sodex to its employees when in need for particular life events.

Public transportation is provided to give a free mode of transportation for all our employees.
Sodex management has recently adjusted its employees' working hours to facilitate their time schedule in line with their parental obligations.

As a sports equipment supplier, Sodex promotes the practice of sports between team members.
Badminton, foosball, beach volleyball and outdoor fitness equipment are available during breaks for relaxing moments during the working day.

Sodex management organizes yearly internal football and volleyball tournaments.
We also participate in inter-company tournaments to strengthen our ties with the local community.

We are also involved in humanitarian actions on a regional level.
Having operated here for nearly 30 years, Sodex is a well known brand in our community and we like to give back when possible.

Sodex Sport Factory
Sodex Sport Factory
Sodex Sport Factory

